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Showing posts from May, 2018

Write to Market

Present day authors are marketers too. It is just the nature of the industry today. I took a class about 'Writing to Market' at the writers conference. The presenter had fascinating procedures for writing to maximize revenues. She backed up her presentation with data. Write what people want to read as shown by analytics. She earns a decent salary from her writing and it is growing each year. I felt her energy and was excited but after the class I realized that that is not the way I want to write. I will probably use some of her techniques in the future but I'm never going to write five books a year and I don't want to write to someone else's formula. It works well for her but would not work well for me. And that's okay.

Prolific writers and finding joy in the journey of writing

I just read about an author who is the mother of 10 and wrote 13 books in one year! Whaat! So now I feel like a slacker! One book a year seems like a dereliction of duty. I can't begin to imagine how she does that and start to panic but then the rational side of me says, "Wait a minute, you are not her and it is not a competition." Phew, thanks for walking me back from that cliff! I think there is a saying that says 'Comparison is the thief of joy.' If there isn't there should be. The pace I write at works for me and writing is still a joy. If I wrote at that pace it would become a drudgery for me as it would keep me from doing other things I love to do. Like watching my son beat his personal best in the high jump. Perhaps for you one book a year is more than you can handle. Set your own pace and don't compare yourself to others.