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Book club questions!

I have been participating in book clubs for over 25 years so the question from my editor should not have been a surprise. But it was! The voice in my head said, "Only really good books would put book club questions in the back. Don't flatter yourself that even one person will want to read your book let alone a whole group wanting to discuss it in a book club!" So I told that old voice to beat it and wrote some questions. It was fun. I wrote nonsense until something stuck and then I went to get ready for bed and while I brushed my teeth I jotted down the new ideas for questions that flooded my brain and then I slept on it.
The next day I edited what I had written the night before and added some of the new ideas I had and in the end I had 12 questions! For some reason, this made it all the more real. My book is really going to get published!


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